Week 2, Day 1 C25K
Last night I started Week 2 of the C25K program. I definitely got a late start to the week, so I'll be paying for it this weekend. This week consists of a 5 minute warm up, then running for 90 seconds, walking for 90, repeating the running and walking cycle 6 times ending with a 5min cool down. I unfortunately don't have an accurate time yet again but this time it was my fault. I thought RunKeeper lost my GPS signal and stopped working, so I went to pause my run and instead of hitting pause I hit stop. Oops! I do think I ran around 13:53. I did my best to put the times from both runs (I started a new activity on RunKeeper after I messed up the first) and came up with this. I need to try to get another run in tonight but there's a 50% chance rain. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, it won't rain until after my run, which means I may be going as soon as I get home. Keep your fingers crossed for me that the rain hold out til I'm finished and in the house.
Thank you for voicing your thoughts.