Keeping Up With The Jacksons

What you wanted to know to stay-up-to-date with us Crazy Jacksons!

January Goals

By Monday, January 04, 2016 ,

It's that time of year again. A new year means a new chance and fresh start to a better you. Even though that change can happen any day of the year, a new year brings a sense of new beginnings for some people. For me, this year is no different and today, but I'm breaking down my goals into smaller monthly goals and today, I'm going to share with you my goals for this month.

Read 2 books for pleasure this month. 

I love to read. I have ridiculous amounts of books in our bedroom, on my Nook and in my Kindle library. The problem is I don't always have time to read them. So this year, I'm making time. This month, I just want to read 2 books. Not personal development books (I read a little bot out of one everyday) but books for pleasure. I know 2 books doesn't sound like a lot, especially for avid readers, but for this busy mom, if I can get through 2, I'll be doing well. That gives me about 2 weeks for each book. It's perfectly doable and if I am able to read more than that, that's awesome.

Have family game night once a week. 

We used to be great at this but TJ's work and school schedule has him gone more and when he is home he's exhausted, and so am I. But he's home every weekend so there's no reason this can't happen. We have a great time and plenty of laughs. Plus it's good for everyone.

Go out for date night once this month. 

I'm married to a college student. It means we're on a budget but I know how important it is for TJ and I have to have date nights. And while at-home date nights are great, we need to get out of the house without the kids once in a while. It doesn't have to be anything big but something with just the two of us will be perfect.

Create a budget and stick to it. 

I used to create a budget every month and when I did, we did a really good job of sticking to it but when you don't create a budget, you definitely spend more, which is what has happened with us. We would really like to start paying off some debt and that is in our plan for 2016 but it's definitely going to be a slow process for a while. I'm ok with that, but without a budget, it won't happen at all. So it's back to budgets for us.

Stay on top of the kids schoolwork. 

The last month I slacked big time on grading the kids schoolwork. It piles up and then I have a ton to do. I need to get back to doing each day. When I do that, it takes just a few minutes and I can stop and refocus on any lessons they are having trouble on.

I don't have too many family and personal goals this month but when you combine them with my health and fitness goals and my crafting goals, I'll be quite the busy lady.

What are your goals for the new year? Do you break them down by month?

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