Jordyn's Birthday
This past weekend Jorydn turned 1. Can you believe it? Time has flown by. The theme for her birthday was monkeys with pink and green polka dots. Everyone seemed to have a good time! We are so grateful for the people that came out to celebrate with us! My parents and my youngest sister Lyndsay came down, which is always a great time. My mom suggested piercing Jordyn's ear while we were down, so after the party we were off to the mall. I was nervous. I didn't want to her my poor baby. She cried but ultimately did fine. I was proud of her. I was more worked up then she was. LOL! Sunday, we went downtown to City Market for while before they had to head home. A busy but fantastic weekend. Here are just a few pictures of Jordyn's birthday weekend!
These girls were all born in the span of one month!
:( My poor baby
So pretty!
Reading her book in her new chair!
Opening presents with daddy!
At Forsyth Park with mommy!
Jordyn was loving the fact that she could run around outside!
Present time with mommy!
So happy!
Monkey cake!
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