Keeping Up With The Jacksons

What you wanted to know to stay-up-to-date with us Crazy Jacksons!


By Monday, February 06, 2012 , ,

I have recently decided that I think I want to take up running. I'm not a huge fan and I know I'm going to hate it in the beginning but I also know it's a great way to lose some weight and get in shape. I've been reading several articles over the last week about how people learned to love to run and how to get started with it. A few key points I noticed in the articles I read were to take it slow, set a goal, and  invest in a good pair of shoes.

1.   Take it slow. Check! I'm not a fast runner and not good at it, so taking it slow will be easy peasy for me. lol

2.   Set a goal. Check! I have decided a great way to get me running is to have a training plan. For that I have downloaded the C25K program to my phone. My first goal is to complete the C25K program. After completing the C25K program, I then plan on doing a program that involves training for a 5K and finally completing a 5K. I'm giving myself 8 weeks for each program so I will be ready to run a race by Memorial Day weekend!

3.   Invest in a good pair of running shoes. I haven't done this. I would really like a new pair of running shoes but I know if I can convince TJ to say yes, and then I give up on running, I will have one happy hubby on my hands. So to go along with point #2, I have set a goal. Once I complete the C25K program, I am going to buy myself a pair of running shoes, which hopefully be a pair of Nikes so I can add the Nike+ sensor to better enhance my workouts and times.

I'll be kicking off my C25K program. Wish me luck and I'll keep you updated on how I do!

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