Thursday, February 23, 2012
Last night I completed 1.40 miles at a pace of 13:31. Faster than Monday, which makes me feel pretty good and give me the motivation to keep going. It also is making me look forward to next week when half my runs double in time before walking. Even though I know it wasn't supposed to rain, the clouds and what I believe was thunder way off in the distance made me want to sip my run for fear that it might rain. But I went anyway, telling myself if it did rain, I would definitely be running as fast as I could to get back home so maybe it encouraging. LOL! I took a new route tonight, running on the main road that takes you out of the neighborhood. I like that route but I think I like switching it up too. There are so many different streets in our neighborhood, that I can constantly have a new route and I think I like that. Hmmm.....wonder why way will spark me Friday
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Monday, February 20, 2012
Yup, you're reading it right. Week 1, Day 2 AGAIN! Last week was not a good week for me running wise. I only completed one day for Week 2, so this week, I needed to redo it again.
Tonight, I started my RunKeeper app at my first run, as opposed to at the start if the warm-up, and I definitely feel like my time is more accurate. Tonight, I ran 1.38 miles at a pace of 13:47. While it's definitely better, I'm still not truly happy with it. I know it's including periods of walking as well, and I keep telling myself that, but I wish my time was faster. It's so frustrating but I know I'll get there. Or at least that's what I tell myself. LOL!
One thing I will say, is that I don't hurt quite as much, but I am questioning that a little. Is it because I'm not pushing myself enough or is it because I'm becoming more accustomed to it. I want it to be the latter, but I really don't know the right answer. Maybe it's because I'm stretching more before and after. Or maybe it's because I didn't run much last week. LOL! Oh, who knows. We'll see how Wednesday goes!
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Thursday, February 16, 2012
Last night I started Week 2 of the C25K program. I definitely got a late start to the week, so I'll be paying for it this weekend. This week consists of a 5 minute warm up, then running for 90 seconds, walking for 90, repeating the running and walking cycle 6 times ending with a 5min cool down. I unfortunately don't have an accurate time yet again but this time it was my fault. I thought RunKeeper lost my GPS signal and stopped working, so I went to pause my run and instead of hitting pause I hit stop. Oops! I do think I ran around 13:53. I did my best to put the times from both runs (I started a new activity on RunKeeper after I messed up the first) and came up with this. I need to try to get another run in tonight but there's a 50% chance rain. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, it won't rain until after my run, which means I may be going as soon as I get home. Keep your fingers crossed for me that the rain hold out til I'm finished and in the house.
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Saturday, February 11, 2012
YAY!!! Week 1 is DONE! I am definitely feeling it today. Barely into my workout, RunKeeper lost the GPS signal and couldn't find another, so I was unable to track my time and distance. My best guess is 1.67 miles at 15:38. Definitely slower than Day 1 but I'm wondering if I tried too much. I squeezed the first week into into 5 days instead of spreading it out over 7. Tomorrow, as long as I'm not too sore, I plan on hitting the gym for some strength training.
A major part of this workout that I keep forgetting about is stretching before and after my workout. Why can't my apps have a button that pops up saying, "Have you stretched yet" before my workout begins as my friendly reminder? LOL! Guess it's up to me to do the remembering.
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Wednesday, February 08, 2012
I took TJ and the kids with me today. I'm proud of Dylan for keeping up on the runs, although since I'm not really that fast maybe it wasn't that hard to do. LOL! Today I completed 2.06 miles in 33:08, which was an average pace of 16:08. I'm disappointed but there is something I think is affecting my time. My warm up and cool down. I am starting my time the moment I start my workout and ending it as I'm walking in the door, so it includes my warm up and cool down. Today our cool down was longer because we weren't quite back to the house at the end of the 5 min cool down. After talking to TJ, he suggested not starting my time until I'm done with the warmup and stopping the time before the cool down. He said not to worry about timing the warm up and cool down. Those don't factor into my time so I shouldn't be worrying about it. Does that sound right to you? It makes sense to me. I'm just trying to figure out the best way to get the most accurate time. I'll take any and all advice!
I'm also feeling it today. My legs are sore and while I don't want to be sore, I know that it's a good thing. I feel like I'm pushing myself a bit more. Tomorrow, I need to get some strength training in and that is something I could use a program on. I just want someone to tell me exactly what to do. AHH...why do trainers have to be so expensive?
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Wednesday, February 08, 2012
This past weekend Jorydn turned 1. Can you believe it? Time has flown by. The theme for her birthday was monkeys with pink and green polka dots. Everyone seemed to have a good time! We are so grateful for the people that came out to celebrate with us! My parents and my youngest sister Lyndsay came down, which is always a great time. My mom suggested piercing Jordyn's ear while we were down, so after the party we were off to the mall. I was nervous. I didn't want to her my poor baby. She cried but ultimately did fine. I was proud of her. I was more worked up then she was. LOL! Sunday, we went downtown to City Market for while before they had to head home. A busy but fantastic weekend. Here are just a few pictures of Jordyn's birthday weekend!
These girls were all born in the span of one month!
:( My poor baby
So pretty!
Reading her book in her new chair!
Opening presents with daddy!
At Forsyth Park with mommy!
Jordyn was loving the fact that she could run around outside!
Present time with mommy!
So happy!
Monkey cake!
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Wednesday, February 08, 2012
Last night was my first day of the C25K program. I completed 1.64 miles in 24:38. My average pace was 15:01. It averaged a brisk walk. I'm proud of myself for completing but disappointed in the time. TJ keeps telling me not to focus on time just yet, but focus more on the completing each workout, so I'll do my best to do just that. I definitely have a long way to go but I'm confident I can do it!
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Monday, February 06, 2012
I have recently decided that I think I want to take up running. I'm not a huge fan and I know I'm going to hate it in the beginning but I also know it's a great way to lose some weight and get in shape. I've been reading several articles over the last week about how people learned to love to run and how to get started with it. A few key points I noticed in the articles I read were to take it slow, set a goal, and invest in a good pair of shoes.
1. Take it slow. Check! I'm not a fast runner and not good at it, so taking it slow will be easy peasy for me. lol
2. Set a goal. Check! I have decided a great way to get me running is to have a training plan. For that I have downloaded the C25K program to my phone. My first goal is to complete the C25K program. After completing the C25K program, I then plan on doing a program that involves training for a 5K and finally completing a 5K. I'm giving myself 8 weeks for each program so I will be ready to run a race by Memorial Day weekend!
3. Invest in a good pair of running shoes. I haven't done this. I would really like a new pair of running shoes but I know if I can convince TJ to say yes, and then I give up on running, I will have one happy hubby on my hands. So to go along with point #2, I have set a goal. Once I complete the C25K program, I am going to buy myself a pair of running shoes, which hopefully be a pair of Nikes so I can add the Nike+ sensor to better enhance my workouts and times.
I'll be kicking off my C25K program. Wish me luck and I'll keep you updated on how I do!
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