Keeping Up With The Jacksons

What you wanted to know to stay-up-to-date with us Crazy Jacksons!

I Am Registered....

By Friday, June 01, 2012 , , , , ,

....for my first 5K!!! I am SO excited. It's the 2012 Enmark Savannah Bridge Run. It's a 5K that starts on Hutchinson Island, goes across the Talmedge Bridge (the bridge below) and ends in downtown Savannah by the Civic Center. The bridge is 1.4 mile span, has a 5.5% grade and is 196 feet above the Savannah River (facts straight from the race website).

The race isn't until December 1st, exactly 6 months form tonight, so I hope to run at least one if not two before then but this is the first race I have actually registered for. I'm excited but a little nervous at the same time. That's probably due to the fact that I'm still not done with the C25K program but I'll get there. The rain just needs to stop. LOL!

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