For some reason, I have the hardest keeping this little ol' blog of mine updated. You'd think I'd be better at seeing as we live so far from everyone, but I'm not. Sorry family and friends! Not too many exciting things have happened but I'll share what has happened.
As you know, St. Patrick's Day was 10 days ago. What you may not know is what HUGE deal it is in Savannah. Savannah has many, many Irish catholics. Savannah holds the 2nd largest parade in the country, possibly the world. Most years, savannah has about 400,000 visitors in town for the festival, but this year, they expected close to 1,000,000. This year was my 3rd year going, and Tj's 1st, along with the kids' 1st too. The parade was 4 hours long and while we didn't stay for the entire parade, we watched the majority of it. I couldn't tell you for sure if there were a 1 million people there or not, but you could definitely tell there were significantly more people than in previous years. My guess is about double the normal crowd. After the parade we headed farther downtown and eventually to River Street. We only stayed on River Street for about 20 minutes before deciding it was time to go. Lines for drinks were unbelievably long. People were waiting 20 minutes in line just to get a drink and get in line for another one. There were so many people that, while most people were very considerate of us with a stroller, it was way to difficult to navigate through everyone, and I was holding on to Dylan's hand so tight so he didn't get separated with us. We definitely had a great time but with that many people, it's better to go without the kids. Here's a few pics from the parade.

Now updates for each us:
Dylan ~ He is doing great in school and surprises us everyday with everything he learns. He is an amazing big brother to Jordyn. She adores him and he always knows how to make her laugh. and when TJ decides to pick on her, he gets very defensive and tells him to leave her alone. It's SO cute! TJ has also started teaching Dylan to ride his bike on two wheels. After his first try, Dylan comes inn and tells me his bike is broken. I ask why and he tells me, "My bike has no balance." HAHA!!!!! I tried very hard not to laugh but it was so funny. I did tell him it wasn't the bike, it was him and he did NOT like that answer. LOL!
Jordyn ~ That girl has got a personality on her. She is always pretty happy. She's funny and she knows it. She'll do something and then giggle, hoping you'll laugh too, which of course you do, because even if what she did isn't funny, the fact that she thinks it's funny and laughed is pretty dang funny. LOL! She has recently learned to drink through a straw and is obsessed with doing it all the time. If she sees any cup with a straw, she wants to drink it. I swear she said, "Mommy" the other day, even though I don't think she was saying it to me, but I can't get her to say it again. LOL!
TJ ~ TJ just started his 3rd quarter of school at SCAD. After this quarter ends in May, he will be done with first year of school, and then it's 3 more years to go! LOL! He changed his major to Sound Design, which I know he loves so much more. He recently just did the background for a short animated movie for an animation class as SCAD and did a fantastic job! Once I find out if the class posted the movie on You Tube, I will share it with you. It's a cute entertaining movie about an 8 year old girl's diary. Well, it's the readings of an 8 year old girl's diary, and I found it funny. It's so random but that's exactly what an 8 year old girl's diary sounds like. As always, TJ is working on his music outside of school too and is still sounding fantastic.
Sabrina ~ Now it's time for my update. I am still working on losing some weight. I have been trying to eat better. Take my breakfast for example: Thomas 100 calorie English Muffin, top with 1 tbsp of all natural peanut butter and some banana slices. Doesn't it look tasty? Trust me, it was!
I also plan on running a 5K this summer and plan on resuming (or starting again. lol) my training this weekend. I still have my
craft blog, but have been slacking a little. I am trying desperately to get this house and family organized but I feel like I'm the only one. HAHA!!! I'm hoping to sit down this weekend, after my Zumba class at Forsyth Park, and my 5k training, and make out a blog schedule for my posts. Just thinking about all I want to get accomplished this weekend is making me crazy. Zumba, 5K training, blog schedule, laundry, cleaning, raking the yard, and I'm sure there are others I can't even think of right now.
Well for now I am off to bed. This girl is heading to the gym in the morning.
About the Author
Sabrina is the daughter of God, a wife to one and mother to two. She enjoys spending time with her family and hobbies such as crafting organizing, working and living a healthy lifesyle.
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