My First Series: Moving
By Unknown Wednesday, June 17, 2015 family, moving, New Jersey, series![]() |
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If you read my blog, know me personally, are friends with me on Facebook or really just know me in any capacity, you most likely know that our time in Savannah is almost over. Later this summer, we are planning to move up the East Coast to NJ. Where exactly is still to be determined, but we have a general idea. This moving across the US (is it across the US if you're going up?) isn't easy, especially when you aren't familiar with the area. Yes, I've lived in NJ, but it wasn't in the same area and I was kid. Also, times have changed and so has that particular area. What I saw as kid is definitely not the same as I see as an adult. Life was so much simpler back then.
But it got me thinking about the blog and sharing this with all of you. I thought it might be fun, and maybe to a few interesting, to see how the entire moving process is going to go for us. How it has consumed our lives and how at times, it can be very stressful. Maybe you'll find a little nugget of advice that can make your next move a little less stressful. So let's dive in and see what kind of posts this series is going to be about.
Planning: Take a peek at the very beginning stages of our move. How we landed on where we were going to decide to live, and what we thought we needed to find out before we moved.
Research, Research, Research: Oh the hours of research of every possible thing you could think you would need to know about moving and what we would need to know once we got there. How came up with a very different budget than we have in the South, how we decided on booking a moving company to do the driving, how tried finding several different cities, and more. The research was, and quite frankly still, endless.
House Hunting: A two-parter that shows how we spent even more countless hours of house hunting 780 miles away, and what we used to help us locate the cities we wanted to look in, followed by a post on the trip TJ and I made to NJ to see some of the houses we looked at online and if they lived up the pictures and expectations we had.
Packing: How did we pack? Where did we find boxes? How do we keep organized? And of course, I'll share a few tips along the way to help you pack.
Planning the Actual Moving Trip: How did we decide where to stop, when to stop, and for how long? Also, you'll get a sneak peek at what we're planning for the soon-to-be 10 year old in our house while we're on the road.
Time to Hit the Road: See how the trip went for us. See where we stopped, how our surprises went, as wells our meal plan, entertainment and sanity-saving ideas for the road with two kids and two dogs. This will most likely be spread out over more than one post.
Making our New Home, Home: Unpacking: New House Tour Time as well as finding out how my packing system worked and how the moving company treated our belongings.
Getting Settled: Finally, getting acquainted in our new town, seeing what it has to offer and getting to know new people, and tips you can try if you're moving far away.
*As the posts get published, the titles in bold wll become clickable links. If you're already see clickable links, welcome to the series and click on through to see the different posts.
I hope you'll join me throughout the series and see how our move goes. Do you have any moving tips or advice? Maybe it's something I can put into practice. I'd love to hear it!