Happy Halloween!!!!!
By Unknown Monday, October 31, 2011
Where to go trick or treating? Should we go downtown or in our soon-to-be neighborhood? We opted for our soon-to-be neighborhood and am I glad we made that decision. Beth came out with us for a little while and while out we met some of the neighbors. This one family in particular is really sweet. They have two kids. There oldest is a girl and she's Dylan's age and their youngest is a boy and a year younger than Dylan. They live down the street and I can't wait to get to move in and get to know them. They invited us to walk with them which was so nice! Dylan was so happy to go trick or treating with kids his age. Unfortuantely he took a spill as him one of the kids were running to a house, They house had shallow long steps and his shoe was untied. He stepped on his shoelace causing him to trip over the step and went flying toward the other kid and both went down and Dylan's candy went flying all over the sidewalk. Both kids are fine but I have to admit it was kind of funny. TJ helps him get his shoe on and as soon as he gets up and he trips over the same step again. Poor kid. But all in all, we had a great time with some great people and Dylan ended up with a decent amount of candy. Here's our little trick or treaters!